What I Do

Project Development and Management

Sue has vast experience of complex project development and management.  This includes managing major capital projects, a number of resilient heritage projects and reviewing business and commercial operations to develop sustainable models.  Most recently she has worked on a number of projects supporting organisations to transition from capital works to operational.

Collections Management and Accreditation

Sue has worked with collections for over 30 years and is a Fellow of the Museums Association.  She has curated collections of fine and decorative art, social and natural history, rural life, archaeology, clocks and watches, textiles and much more, in a range of historic buildings.  Sue completed a Collections Review for the British Commercial Vehicle Museum along with completing their Accreditation documentation and return.  She has recently completed a full inventory and documentation process for the Globe Inn in Dumfries which houses a collection of material related to Robert Burns in preparation for redisplay.

Globe Inn, Dumfries
British Commercial Vehicle Museum

Funding Strategies, Grants and Commercial Opportunities

Sue has developed funding strategies and produced successful applications for major projects including funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, the Arts and Humanities Research Council, Arts Council England, the Esmee Fairbairn Collections Fund, the John Ellerman Foundation, along with a number of local trusts and sponsors. 

Sue also has experience of exploring commercial opportunities of collections.  She supported Macclesfield Museums to develop a range of income generation projects focused on their pattern book archive.  She has managed and developed a range of commercial operations within attractions including cafes, Makers Spaces, shops, meeting rooms and cinemas.

Makers' Place
Designs for Silk Dresses

Event Development and Management

Sue has developed, managed and delivered many varied events and activities, including festivals, Open Days, living history, tours and talks, storytelling, music, arts and crafts and much more.

Storyteller Peter Chand in the Inspired
 by India exhibition
Ellisland Living History Event

Exhibition and Learning Services

Sue started her museum career as a curator, before becoming an Education and Outreach Officer and then Museum Director.  She has developed, managed and mounted many permanent and temporary exhibitions, using innovative interpretation, including scripting and developing films, commissioning 3D images of items from the collections, content for touchscreen kiosks, managing loans of significant collections, conservation of objects, research and production of panels and labels and low-tech interactives.  Most recently she worked with an interpretation designer to redisplay the Burns Rooms at the Globe Inn, Dumfries and developed new interpretation, signage and animations for Ellisland Museum co-curating with young visitors.

Sue has also developed and managed many innovative learning programmes and can support your service to meet the needs of the Curriculum for Excellence.  Her work includes programmes for schools, inter-generational projects, community projects and informal learning.  She has recently developed a Creativity for Wellbeing programme for Shambellie House delivering a range of heritage and arts workshops to support community mental health and wellbeing. 

Embroidery for Mindfulness
Exhibition, School House,